Découvrez des modèles et conseils pour améliorer l'expérience client dans votre centre d'appels. Utilisez des techniques d'écoute active, adaptez votre communication et maintenez un ton professionnel pour influencer positivement la perception de votre marque.
Malgré l’essor rapide des canaux de communication numériques, l’assistance téléphonique reste toujours l’une des options les plus privilégiées par les consommateurs pour s’adresser aux marques. En fait, les téléphones représentent encore 68% de toutes les interactions de support. Cela étant dit, le langage que les agents des centres d’appels utilisent lorsqu’ils interagissent avec les clients a un impact énorme sur les émotions des clients, l’expérience globale de l’interaction et la perception qu’ont les clients de votre marque. Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques conseils d’étiquette ainsi que des modèles de centre d’appels que les agents d’assistance peuvent utiliser pour commencer et terminer correctement une conversation, mettre en attente, transférer les appels des clients ou traiter les appelants mécontents.
“Welcome to [COMPANY] customer service. My name is [AGENT NAME]. How can I help you today?”
“Good morning/ afternoon! You’re through to [COMPANY]. My name is [AGENT NAME]. How may I help you today?”
“Good afternoon. You’re speaking to [AGENT NAME]. How may I help you?”
“Hello, and thank you for calling [COMPANY]. My name is [AGENT NAME]. I’d like to let you know that this call may be recorded for quality and training purposes. How may I help you today?”
“Good afternoon! You are through to [COMPANY] customer service, [AGENT NAME] speaking. Can you please tell me your name so it would be comfortable for us to speak?”
“Thank you for calling [COMPANY], [AGENT NAME] speaking. How may I direct your call?”
“Thank you for contacting [COMPANY]! Can you please provide me with your order number so that I can check the status of your package?”
“Let’s see how we can sort this out. May I have your account number please?”
“So, what I understand so far is … It would be great if you could tell me a bit more about…”
“For me to… it would be brilliant if you could give me just of few more details on …”
“From what I understand …. It would be excellent if you could provide me with …”
“May I take your information before we proceed?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], just to be sure I got it correctly, would you mind spelling that for me please?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], is it okay if I ask you a few questions to verify your account information?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], please hold on for a second, I’m going to check your last payment details right now.”
“Please hold for a minute so that I can speak with my supervisor and get back to you with an answer.”
“May I place you on hold for about a minute or two while I take a look into that for you?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], can you please hold while I retrieve your file? I will be back in a minute.”
“I’m not sure if we can do that, but let me check. Could you please hold for a couple of minutes?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], I will check to see if [AGRNT NAME] is available to take your call. Can you please hold for a moment?”
“I apologize for the inconvenience. I’m still looking up your information but will have an answer for you in just a moment, please hold for a few more seconds. ”
“Would you mind holding for just a moment while I check your account details?”
“If it is ok with you, I am going to put you on hold for a moment while I look up your insurance information.”
“It will take me about two to three minutes to … Do you mind if I put you on a quick hold?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], do you mind holding? I will need to … I’ll be back on the line with you soon – two or three minutes at the most.”
“I’m confident this is the right solution, but let me just put you on a brief hold to confirm with my colleague.”
“I have a solution for the issue, but it’s going to take me a little time to set things up. Do you mind if I put you on hold for a moment?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], unfortunately I can’t help you with this, but I’ll put you through to the accounting department, just stay on the line for a moment please.”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], please stay on the line while I’m transferring you to the sales department.”
“I’m going to connect you to our service department now. They should be with you in less than two minutes. Please stay on the line.”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], the best person to answer your question is [AGENT NAME] from the tech support team. He is ready to receive your call. Can I transfer you now?”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], I am going to transfer you over to [AGENT NAME] in the sales department. Her direct number is (phone number), in case you get disconnected. She will be able to help you.”
“It looks like you were working with my colleague [NAME] before. Do you mind if I put you through to him right now so you don’t have to repeat your issue again?”
“That seems to be outside of my area of expertise. Would it be alright if I transferred you over to a specialist that can look into this?”
“When I transfer you, there may be a moment without sound. Don’t worry, this is normal and someone will pick up right after that.” “After I transfer you, there will be a short series of beeps. Please don’t worry, this is just the line switching. [AGENT NAME] will be with you directly.”
“My apologies. That must be very frustrating. Now please tell me exactly what happened and I will get to work on fixing this.”
“I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this. I realise that this situation is difficult, but let’s try and find a solution.”
“I understand how annoying that must be. I would feel the same in your situation, but we will sort this out…”
“I’m sorry you are having this problem, that would certainly frustrate me too. Let’s see if there is anything we can do to help the situation.”
“I completely understand how frustrating it is, but we’ll get this handled. Now let’s see what we can do to resolve the problem …”
“I’m sorry about your poor experience and I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Let’s see how we can make things right.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, it does sound frustrating. I am going to take care of this for you.”
“My apologies once again. We always value customers who are keen to give us their feedback. I will be sure to pass on what you have told me to our management team.”
“My apologies for the inconvenience. Let me sort this out for you as quickly as possible, so you can get on with your day.”
“I can imagine how frustrated you are and I will do all I can to resolve the issue quickly and to your satisfaction. Let me be sure I understand the problem correctly (repeat the issue).”
“I’m so sorry we didn’t meet your expectations. I appreciate you telling me this, so I can pass the message on to our management team to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”
“You’re certainly welcome, [CUSTOMER NAME]. I’m delighted we could get the problem sorted out and thank you. We appreciate you calling to let us know.”
“Thanks for calling, and if you have any additional questions, please call us again, we’ll be happy to help.”
“Thanks for your call. It was a pleasure discussing your [concern/ issue] today, enjoy the rest of your day.”
“Thank you very much for you time, [CUSTOMER NAME], and thanks for calling [COMPANY NAME]. We look forward to working with you in the future. Have a great day!”
“You’ve been speaking with [AGENT NAME] today. Thank you for contacting [COMPANY]! Have a great day.”
“Thanks so much for calling today. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to call us again.”
“Is there anything else that I can help you with today? In that case, thank you for calling [COMPANY]. We hope that you had a satisfactory experience with us today. Have a good day!”
“Is there anything else I can do for you today? I’d like to thank you for calling [COMPANY] and remind you we are here whenever you need us. I hope your experience was satisfactory and we look forward to serving you in the future. Have a great day!”
“Thanks so much for your call, glad we got that resolved. If that’s everything, have a wonderful day!”
“It’s been great getting a chance to chat with you, [CUSTOMER NAME]! If there’s anything else we can help you with, just give us a call. Thank you and enjoy your afternoon!”
“Thank you for calling, [CUSTOMER NAME]. It was great chatting with you and I’m happy we found a solution that worked. Have a great day!”
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L’assurance qualité d’un centre d’appels est une procédure dans laquelle les appels téléphoniques sont contrôlés pour s’assurer que le centre d’appels ou ses agents fonctionnent selon le niveau de service attendu.
L’assurance qualité des centres d’appels est importante car le discours de vos employés peut faire ou défaire votre réputation. S’ils s’adressent aux clients de manière peu soignée, cela se répercutera sur votre entreprise et pourra vous faire perdre des clients.
Le meilleur format pour un CV de centre d’appels est un format chronologique qui inclut à la fois les études et l’expérience professionnelle. Le CV doit être soigné, bien organisé et facile à lire.
Améliorez l'efficacité et la satisfaction client avec nos modèles de chat en direct prêts à l'emploi. Découvrez des scripts pour des réponses rapides et cohérentes, optimisez votre service client et augmentez vos conversions. Essayez nos modèles gratuits pour booster vos ventes et votre marketing en ligne.
Modèles de services aux clients
Découvrez nos modèles d'e-mails de service client sur LiveAgent pour des réponses rapides et professionnelles. Améliorez votre assistance en utilisant ces modèles, réduisez les erreurs, et assurez la cohérence de votre communication. Parfait pour les entreprises cherchant à optimiser leur service client. Visitez notre page pour plus de détails et commencez à renforcer votre relation client dès aujourd'hui!
Modèles d’e-mails professionnels [expliqué]
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