Les modèles de mails de dernière chance sont conçus pour réengager les prospects froids et améliorer les taux de réponse en vente. Découvrez 10 modèles efficaces pour vos suivis, et apprenez à utiliser des mails de notification pour fidéliser vos clients.
Le mail de dernière chance est l’un des mails de suivi des ventes les plus efficaces que vous pouvez utiliser si votre prospect est devenu froid et ne répond pas à vos multiples tentatives de relance. Lorsqu’ils sont bien faits, les mails de dernière chance peuvent vous aider à améliorer les taux de réponse, à ramener ces prospects froids dans votre cycle de vente et à conclure des affaires qui, autrement, auraient probablement été perdues.
En fait, selon Katharine Derum, directrice commerciale senior chez HubSpot, son équipe voit un taux de réponse de 33% à leurs mails de dernière chance. Il n’est donc pas étonnant que ces types de mails soient de plus en plus populaires auprès des vendeurs dans l’environnement B2B. Voici un aperçu rapide de ce qu’est un mail de dernière chance un mail ainsi que 10 modèles de mails de dernière chance que vous pouvez utiliser dans vos campagnes de suivi des ventes.
Un mail de dernière chance est le tout dernier mail que vous devez envoyer à un prospect lorsque vous n’avez pas eu de nouvelles de lui depuis un certain temps (ou pas de nouvelles du tout) pour provoquer une réponse. Il sert essentiellement à interrompre le modèle pour inciter les prospects peu réactifs et lents à répondre et à agir, car la plupart d’entre eux sont surpris de recevoir un mail d’adieu d’un vendeur. Même si la plupart des mails de dernière chance ne vont pas convertir, il y a quelques bonnes raisons de les envoyer :
Gardez à l’esprit que ce n’est pas la même chose que d’écrire une lettre de démission, alors ne confondez pas les deux.
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Les mails de dernière chance peuvent être efficaces aussi bien pour les suivis sortants (lorsque vous envoyez des e-mails froids à des prospects qui n’ont jamais interagi avec vous) que pour les e-mails entrants (lorsque vous envoyez des suivis à des prospects qui ont, à un moment donné, exprimé leur intérêt pour votre offre). Quoi qu’il en soit, ces 10 modèles d’e-mails de dernière chance peuvent vous servir de point de départ pour vos propres messages de suivi destinés aux prospects qui ne répondent pas.
Apologies if my level of persistence has become annoying.
I recently spoke with you about how we can help you with [your value proposition], and at that time it seemed as if we fit your needs. Since then, however, my attempts to reach you have failed. Would you let me know if this is still an opportunity you are interested in?
If I don’t hear back from you by end of the day on Friday, I will assume you would like me to close the file on this opportunity for now. If that is the case, I completely understand and hope that we may be of service to you in the future.
I’ve reached out to you a few times over the past six months about [your value proposition], but haven’t been able to get a hold of you. I understand that you may be busy, and I hate to bother you further if this is of no interest at all.
If anything changes, feel free to get back in touch and we can schedule a call.
I hope you’re well. I’ve tried to connect several times to discuss [your product/ service] as a solution for [their challenge]. I haven’t heard back from you, so I’m guessing the timing isn’t right, or you’ve gone in a different direction.
If you’re still interested, do let me know. If not, I’ll stop reaching out and wish you all the best with [their objective]. My contact information is below if anything changes for you.
I thought we were like two peas in a pod, but I totally get it. The timing just isn’t right for us, or [your product/service] isn’t a priority at the moment.
If it ever makes sense to reconnect, shoot me an email.
I’ve reached out to you a few times recently, but I understand that nobody likes being ambushed with random emails. The truth is, I really believe you’d be interested in what [your product/ service] can offer your team.
When we spoke last, you mentioned a few key areas that you were looking to improve:
1. [Value proposition #1]
2. [Value proposition #2]
3. [Value proposition #3, etc]
Are these still priorities for you? If I don’t hear back from you within this week, I’ll assume this isn’t the right time to continue our conversation and I’ll stop reaching out.
I hope things are well at [their company].
When we last spoke it seemed like [your product/ service] was a fitting solution for [their challenge]. Since I haven’t heard back from you in a while, I assume the timing isn’t right or you have gone in a different direction.
I won’t bug you again about this, but I did want to leave you with a bit of information about [something relevant to their goal].
[Resource 1]
[Resource 2]
[Resource 3]
I hope this helps you achieve [their specific goal]. I won’t reach out again but please feel free to get in touch if you ever need help with [what you provide], I’d be happy to reconnect.
Wishing you all the best,
I’m in the process of cleaning up my sales pipeline, but I wanted to check with you one last time before I close your file. Since I haven’t heard from you in a while, I’m guessing you’re super busy or your priorities have changed.
If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file? If you are still interested in how we can help you achieve [specific goals], what do you recommend as the next best step?
P.S. You can book a demo on the following link, and I’ll show you what [your product/ service] can do for you: link to a demo
I’ve been reaching out because I see a tremendous opportunity for your team to [reach specific goals] with [your product/ service]. I don’t want to be a bother, and from my ignored messages I’m sensing that’s the case.
I’ll check back in six months or so unless you let me know you’re ready to evaluate sooner.
I don’t want to keep bombarding you with emails, but my job is to follow up persistently on strong potential matches for [your company], like [their company], which is why I’ve continued to hustle.
However, I haven’t heard back from you yet, and that tells me one of the three things:
You’re all set with [business need] and I should stop bothering you.
You’re still interested but haven’t had the time to get back to me yet.
You’ve fallen and can’t get up and, in that case, I’ll call 911 for you…
Please let me know which one it is because I’m starting to worry that it might be No. 3.
I’ve reached out to you a few times over the past couple of months to continue our discussion on how [your product/ service] could help you to achieve [their objective].
But it’s starting to feel a little lonely over here… I don’t want to hassle you with more emails if you’ve decided to put off the decision or go with another solution.
If you’re still interested in exploring [your product/ service], let’s reconnect. If not, I guess this really is goodbye.
All the best,
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Modèles de mail de réapprovisionnement
Boostez vos ventes avec des modèles de mails de réapprovisionnement gratuits pour fidéliser les clients et augmenter vos revenus B2C.
Modèles d’e-mails de panier abandonnés
Réduisez l'abandon de panier avec nos modèles d'e-mails efficaces. Aidez vos clients à finaliser leurs achats facilement !
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