Apprenez à conclure des conversations clients de manière professionnelle et polie avec LiveAgent. Adaptez votre ton selon le canal et terminez sur une note positive. Utilisez des scripts et modèles pour garantir une expérience client agréable.
Lorsque vous communiquez avec des clients, des clients ou des prospects, trouver la bonne façon de mettre fin à une conversation est tout aussi essentiel qu’une ouverture correcte. En fait, clore une interaction de manière professionnelle, polie et respectueuse peut réellement transformer même ce qui aurait pu commencer comme une conversation désagréable en une expérience de service client positive et laisser au client une bonne impression finale.
Conseils élémentaires pour mettre fin aux conversations avec vos clients
Comment mettre fin à une conversation – scripts pour le service clientèle
Selon un sondage American Express, 68% des consommateurs pensent qu’un représentant du service clientèle agréable est la clé d’une expérience de service positive. Vous trouverez ci-dessous des exemples éprouvés de la manière dont vous pouvez mettre fin aux conversations avec vos clients de manière professionnelle à travers divers canaux d’assistance afin de garantir que vos clients vivent toujours une expérience agréable lorsqu’ils interagissent avec vous.
Comment mettre fin à un appel téléphonique : phrases de fin d’appel
“Thanks for calling and if you have any additional questions, please call us again.”
“Thanks for calling [COMPANY NAME]. Have a good day.”
“You’ve been speaking with [ADVISOR NAME] today. Thank you for contacting [COMPANY NAME]. Have a great day.”
“Apologies once again for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your call.”
“Thank you for calling. I enjoyed talking with you today.”
“If any other questions arise, please feel free to contact us at any time. Thanks so much for calling. Goodbye.”
“Thank you very much for you time, [CUSTOMER NAME], and thanks for calling [COMPANY NAME]. We look forward to working with you in the future. Have a great day!”
“Thank you for calling [CUSTOMER NAME], your feedback is extremely valuable to us. Please don’t hesitate to call us again if you have any questions.”
“It’s great that we have answered your questions today. Thanks for calling [COMPANY NAME]. Have a wonderful day.”
“I’m very pleased that we’ve been able to help you today [CUSTOMER NAME], please call again if you need help.”
Comment terminer un email : phrases de fin d’un email
“If you have any other questions, please let me know. Looking forward to hearing back from you.”
“In the meantime, let me know if you have any more questions, comments, or concerns. I’ll be happy to assist you.”
“I hope this helps. Drop me a line if you have any further questions. Feel free to hit us up on Facebook [link] or Twitter [link] if you want a fast response, too.”
“And of course, I’m always here to answer any questions you may have. If I can help in any way, don’t hesitate to fire off an email.”
“If you’re interested in learning more about our product, please feel free to contact me or anyone else on our support team at any time. We’re always here to help.”
“Thanks for your time, and give me a call or shoot me an email if you have any questions about the tool.”
“Please feel welcome to contact our support team at [phone number], or reply to this message and we’d be more than happy to help.”
“As a reminder, here’s a [link] to our Knowledge Base where you can find more information about our product and company at any time.”
“We sincerely appreciate your understanding in this matter. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have.”
“I apologize again for the inconvenience. I have relayed this feedback to the rest of my team and can assure you that this mistake won’t happen in the future.”
“I understand that this was not the answer you were expecting. But I will do my best to get it fixed as soon as possible and I’ll be sure to keep you updated.”
“Let me know if this solution works for you. And as always, if there’s anything else I can help you with, don’t hesitate to reach out.”
“Thanks again for bringing this issue to our attention. I will update you on the progress within one week.”
“I hope we’ll stay in touch and get to work together again in the future. Please don’t hesitate to provide feedback and suggestions to help us improve, even from afar.”
“Meanwhile, here are some actions you can take that may resolve the issue: […]. If these don’t work, I’ll get back to you within one business day with an alternative solution.”
Comment mettre fin à une conversation sur le chat en direct
“I’m glad I was able to get that sorted out for you. Before you go, is there anything else I can assist you with today?”
“Happy I could help ☺ Wish you a good day!”
“Thank you for chatting with us today. Have a nice day. Goodbye.”
“Thank you for contacting our chat support. I am now closing this chat. If you have any more issues, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Have a great day!”
“Thanks for using our live help service, and please feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance. Goodbye!”
“Thank you for visiting! We hope to see you again!”
“Thanks for stopping by, we hope to hear from you again!”
“My colleague [AGENT NAME] from tech support department will be able to answer your question. I will invite him to our chat room now, one moment, please.”
“Unfortunately, I’m not equipped to help you with that issue but I can transfer you to my colleague specialized for handling this type of request. Would you like that?”
“Please hold on, I’ll connect you with [AGENT NAME] from [DEPARTMENT] in no time.”
“Would you please hold for a moment? I’m transferring you to the right person.”
“[CUSTOMER NAME], it seems that you’re no longer responding. I will have to close the chat for now. If you still need my help, you can request a chat again. Thanks for stopping by.”
“It’s been a while since your last response. I will have to close our chat. If you need any further help, we’re at your service. Have a good day!”
“As it seems like you’re no longer responding, I’ll end this chat session. If you still need any assistance, feel free to request a new session. Thanks for reaching out to us.”
“If any more problems arise and you can’t access our chat line, please feel free to email us at [email address] or call our customer service line at [phone number].”
Comment mettre fin à une conversation sur les réseaux sociaux
“Let us look into that for you. We will reply shortly.”
“Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help out, we’re here if you ever need us again!”
“We’ll follow up to your DM as soon as it gets resolved.”
“Hope that helps, have a wonderful day!”
“Are there any other questions I may help you with?”
“Let us know how else we can help you.”
“Thank you. Great that I could be of help.”
“Thanks for the shout out – I’ll get someone from tech support to look into it immediately!”
“We’ll do all we can to get it fixed asap!”
“Happy to help! Give us a shout if you need anything else.”
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Pour mettre fin à une conversation, terminez sur une note positive en demandant au client si vous pouvez encore l’aider ou en l’encourageant à reprendre contact avec vous à l’avenir.
Vous pouvez éviter une conversation inconfortable en abordant un sujet sans importance ou en changeant de sujet. Si vous ne souhaitez pas discuter de la situation, vous pouvez simplement dire que vous n’êtes pas à l’aise pour en parler. Si vous sentez que vous devez mettre fin à la conversation, vous pouvez dire que vous devez partir.
Ne mettez pas fin à un appel sans rien dire. Remerciez votre interlocuteur pour le temps qu’il vous a consacré et faites-lui savoir que vous lui enverrez un email de suivi si quelque chose d’autre se présente.
Centre d’appels : Modèles fermeture/pauses de contact
Découvrez des modèles de fermeture et de pause de contacts pour centres d'appels avec LiveAgent. Terminez ou interrompez les communications tout en garantissant satisfaction et fidélité des clients. Essayez gratuitement !
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